Tag Archive > natalia

Morning Snuggle – Otalia fanfiction (Guiding Light)

Title: Morning Snuggle

Author: Meatisadelicacy
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Otalia
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, unforunately.
And also: Thanks to takethisstep for her beta services.


Under normal circumstances, the little girl would still be deep within Morpheus’ realm at 7:06 on a Saturday morning. Unfortunately, since moving out of the farmhouse and into the new apartment, things had been anything but normal for the displaced Spencer women. Emma wasn’t exactly sure why, but she knew they were not as happy at their new home as they had been living with Natalia. She supposed that her mommy was missing Natalia just as much as she was, which led to the start of their new weekend ritual.

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