Tag Archive > all my children

Sappy soap opera — yuck…

So yesterday I stayed up till late and read a bit fanfiction and somewhere I have seen the text “Bianca and Maggie” in All My Children. I didn’t know what it was just that it contained f/f (female/female) scenes (later I got to know that there was a lesbian character in it….correction, more than one character), so I searched for it on YouTube.
And all I must say is that it was soooooo laaameee (sorry AMC fans!!) but really, an american soap opera???? Brazilian, Argentin or Mexican would be okay because I am used to it (not watching just knowing the existing of them)…..but this????
Still, if you are curious what this is about, click on bamforbeginners.com (they have an own website!!) and look for the “Timeline” in the menu. If you have a free 2-3 hours, go for it 😀

And don’t watch this video if you really want to know what this is about! It contains spoiler! But this part was the best (???) of the series and has something to say…or at least some sentences from it…

VN:F [1.9.10_1130]
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