Tag Archive > fanfic

Swamped with work

Yep, that’s it, I’m covered at least one more week but I’ll be back then 🙂

And here is an extract from a fanfic I’ve read on PP and it just captured me. I love when someone can write out the feelings so intensely.

“And only because you were too much of a coward to take a risk with love. Because it was so much easier to pretend you’re in love with him than dealing with your feelings for her. And now you’re standing here and you just know that you’ve broken what could’ve been your one chance at happiness.

Suddenly there’s a hand on your back and it irritates you beyond words because the only hands you want to have on your back right now are hers. But you chose this. And so you try to shake off the irritation and turn to the person behind you. He gives you that warm smile of his and you do your best to return it in kind. He doesn’t notice something’s off. She would’ve known, you’re sure.

But she’s not him and you just made her walk away, telling her you loved him. Which you’re no longer sure is the truth. Crap. Which you now know not to be the truth. Still you take his hand in yours and let him guide you to the car.

Because this is what you chose and now you have to live with it. You got no right at all to start complaining.”

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My fave fanfictions #3 – Women’s Murder Club, Lindsay/Cindy

Cindy and Lindsay from Women's Murder Club

I have to thank another great writer for this fanfiction (which will be even more longer than the pervious one but please read! :). In the story we will get to know Cindy’s darker side (because she has one!) and Lindsay’s softer one. I hope you will like it as much as I did.

Author: TexasWatermelon
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy
Rating: R
Summary: Cindy makes a few changes after getting shot.

Part 1 – Je Veux Te Voir

It’s a strange kind of feeling; a good, sizzling, churn in your gut jump start your brain kind of feeling, but strange all the same. Because it’s not one you’ve ever felt before. Funny how getting shot does things to you.

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