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Otalia fanfiction drabble – Shame

TITLE: Shame
FANDOM: Guiding Light
SPOILERS: For 5/5.

When Natalia went to the spa she took her closet with her – literally. But she’s back from the spa now and she’s still carting it around, metaphorically this time. It’s with her everywhere she goes. It’s in the tension of her muscles when Olivia strolls beside her, in the thundering of her heart when strangers look at them twice in the street. It’s in the sweat on her palms as Olivia reaches out to take her hand.

“You can have my love or your shame,” Olivia whispers. “Not both.”

When Natalia’s fingers squeeze hers tighter, Olivia knows what she’s chosen.

The End.

VN:F [1.9.10_1130]
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